Leadership Project Participate "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 3 33% MAIN INFORMATIONThanks for participating. Your leadership insights will be put to good use. This field is hidden when viewing the formSelect Plan*This will dictate what category we put your listing into on the website.Sponsor 1 childSponsor 3 childrenSponsor 6 childrenThis field is hidden when viewing the formSelect Your Industry*Select a categoryArtsBusinessCharityCommunityEducationEntertainmentEnvironmentHealthLawMediaPoliticsScienceSportTechnologyWellnessWomenYouthFull name*Email*This will not be shown on your profile. This field is hidden when viewing the formMobile numberThis will not be shown on your profile.Profile Image*Please upload a high quality photo of yourself to use on your profile.Max. file size: 50 MB.About me*Your background, achievements and experience (max 2000 characters). QUESTIONS 1 - 5 (Required)These questions will give the reader a deeper insight into your ideas and insights. Max 2,000 characters per question. Q1. If you could wind back the clock to when you were starting your career what advice would you give yourself?*Q2. As organisations get larger there's often a tendency for the 'system' to dampen the 'inspiration'. How do you keep this from happening?*Q3. If you were designing a leadership program for schools what would you focus on?*Q4. What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a leader?*Q5. On a scale of 1 (not confident) to 10 (very confident), how confident are you in humankind's ability to solve the current economic, geopolitical, energy and climate challenges?* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Questions 6 - 17 (All Optional)These questions are optional. Answer as many or as few as you like. You can only use a maximum of 2,000 characters in your answers Q6. What are a few resources (books, blogs, podcasts, people, courses etc) you would recommend to someone looking to gain insight into becoming a better leader?Q7. The world around us is changing faster than at any time in human history and we need more leaders to emerge. How do we make this happen?Q8. What leaders outside your own organisation do you admire and why?Q9. Under what conditions do you get your best work done?Q10. What are the essential components to building a winning team?Q11. How do you handle low motivation?Q12. Who is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party? Bring people back from the dead if you like!Q13. You can select one person from history and have them truthfully answer one question, who would you select and what is the question?Q14. How do you keep yourself motivated?Q15. What’s on your bookshelf?Q16. Name some of your favourite movies.Q17. Outside of family, friends and colleagues who are your heroes? Coupon codeIf you have a coupon code enter it here. SECURE PAYMENTThere is a once off fee to be listed on the website. You can pay securely below via Stripe using your credit or debit card. Learn from Lers is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. Total Cost Credit or Debit CardSecurely processed via Stripe. Card Details Cardholder Name This form collects your details above so we can contact you back in relation to your enquiry. We will not add you to any email or newsletter lists using this data. Please see our privacy policy for more information.* I consent to you collecting my details above. * PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.